Ewa Beach Home Sales Statistics (Ewa by Gentry and Ocean Pointe)
I compiled the following Ewa Beach home sales statistics for Ewa by Gentry and Ocean Pointe. These statistics were valid as of Sep 30, 2011.
The homes in Ewa by Gentry neighborhoods are just as desirable as or even more desirable than many other neighborhoods on the island of Oahu. When a property comes on the market in a Ewa by Gentry community, an interested Buyer will make an offer on the property within a few days of listing. This information is based on the most recent statistics as found on the Honolulu Board of Realtor’s Multiple Listing Service.
As long as the property being listed is in decent condition and is priced at or near fair market value, there seem to be Buyer’s waiting in the midst to submit an offer to purchase the homes. Part of the reason for this is the historically low interest rates that have been hovering anywhere in the 3.75% to 4.25% for a 30 year, fixed rate loan.
Ewa by Gentry neighborhoods have had their fair share of short sales, foreclosures and Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) sales. However, regardless of which one of these categories that the homes fall into, there are still many interested Buyer’s waiting on homes to hit the market.
Ewa by Gentry single family home most recent statistics (covering approximately the past 6-8 months)
- There are currently 39 homes available for sale. This includes new homes in Haleakea that are listed on the MLS. Of these 39 homes, 9 of them are listed as short sale and 4 of them are listed as foreclosures or lender sales.
- There are currently 58 properties that are under contract but have not closed yet. Of these 58 homes, 37 of them are listed as short sales and 6 of them are listed as foreclosures or lender sales.
- There have been 93 homes that have sold recently. Of those 93 homes, 33 of them were short sales and 8 of them were foreclosures or lender sales.
For the sake of comparison, these are the statistics for our neighbors in theOcean Pointe community covering the same 6-8 month time period.
- There are currently 5 homes available for sale. Of these 5 homes, 3 of them are listed as short sales.
- There are currently 19 homes that are under contract but have not closed yet. Of these 19 homes, 12 of them are listed as short sales and 1 foreclosure or lender sale.
- There have been 45 homes that have sold recently. Of these 45 homes, 8 of them were short sales and 6 of them were foreclosures or lender sales.
Given the amount of homes in Ewa by Gentry neighborhoods versus Ocean Pointe neighborhoods, these statistics are very similar.
(Information here-in is deemed reliable but not guaranteed)