Tag Archives: bah

2013 BAH Rates for Oahu, Hawaii

The 2013 BAH rates for Hawaii (Honolulu County) have been announced.  The rates are increasing for all ranks.  This information is courtesy of the Department of Defense Finance Office.

With Dependents BAH Rates for 2103

E1 thru E4 $2,172
E5 $2,256
E6 $2,664
E7 $2,835
E8 $3,021
E9 $3,255

WO1 $2,667
WO2 $2,913
WO3 $3,141
WO4 $3,300
WO5 $3,486

O1E $2,874
O2E $3,108
O3E $3,327

O1 $2,301
O2 $2,655
O3 $3,132
O4 $3,558
O5 $3,858
O6 $3,897
O7 $3,933

If you are in the military and are considering purchasing a home in Hawaii, this might be a great opportunity for you to do that.  With the historically low interst rates on VA loans in Hawaii, the high BAH rates and the shortage of rental properties, there is no better time to be an owner/seller/landlord/investor.  I also manage rental properties and I have ZERO available.  All of my rental properties are currently occupied yet my phone continues to ring daily with calls from Service Members that are looking for homes to rent.

For more information on purchasing a home in Hawaii, selling a home in Hawaiii or how you can use your BAH to build wealth for yourself, contact David Kucic, First Sergeant Retired, President/O