Tag Archives: makakilo

Shortage of Homes For Sale, Oahu, Hawaii Dec 21, 2012

There is a severe shortage of homes for sale on Oahu, Hawaii.  This is both for existing homes and new construction.  Buyers and their real estate agent need to be ON TOP OF THE MARKET or they will miss out on the homes that come on the market.  If a new property comes on the market, you MUST go out to see it as soon as possible because if you wait til the weekend or until the next week, the house will most likely be taken by someone else assuming it is priced correctly, it is in decent condition and it is in a good location.  For new home sales, developers are using the “lottery system” to sell houses.  Yes, that’s right, people are having to “win” the right to buy a home in Hawaii!

A few of the hottest markets are Ewa Beach, Kapolei, Makakilo, Koolina, Mililani and Waikele.  For more information on Hawaii real estate, Short Sales in Hawaii, VA loans in Hawaii and any other real estate information on the island of Oahu, contact David Kucic of Hawaii Military Realty, Inc.

Kapolei Hawaii Development Update

The city of Kapolei, Hawaii on the island of Oahu continues to grow and to move forward with new roads and construction projects.  As I drove through Kapolei the other day, I noticed that the new urban core roads heading back to the future Foodland grocery store are now open.  A few other things that are going on in Kapolei are:  New interchange with the H-1 Highway near the Kapolei movie theatre, the stoplights are in position but not functioning yet at the intersection by Costco and Outback Steakhouse, Brickoven Pizza is open for business and Kamokila Boulevard is finally get a repaving to fill in all of the damage that was done when Kamokila Boulevard was the only road through the city of Kapolei.  Hopefully the whole Kamokila Boulevard from Ft Barrett Road all he way to Costco will get repaved.

Living in Ewa Beach, Hawaii and having the city of Kapolei just 10 minutes away is the perfect blend of city life and suburban life.  Ewa Beach doesn’t have many shopping centers and for the shopping centers that are in Ewa Beach, they really only service the people that live in Ewa Beach.  There aren’t people coming to Ewa Beach to shop at our small amount of stores.  That will change soon when City Mill opens in the new Laulani Shopping Center in Ewa Beach.

Both the cities of Kapolei and Ewa Beach are great places to live, work and play.  The homes for sale in Ewa Beach and Kapolei, including Makakilo and Koolina Resort are some of the finest built homes on the island of OahuOahu homes for sale are already in short supply and they are definitely in short supply in Kapolei, Ewa Beach, Koolina and Makakilo.  This is because people are discovering the great way of life in these areas. 

For more information on Hawaii Real Estate, Hawaii Homes For Sale, Oahu Real Estate, Oahu Short Sales, Ewa Beach Homes For Sale, Kapolei Homes For Sale, Koolina Homes For Sale and Makakilo Homes For Sale, contact one of Oahus Top 100 Realtors, David Kucic of Hawaii Military Realty, Inc.

Kapolei Commons Shopping Center in Kapolei Hawaii

Kapolei Commons is the new shopping center in the city of Kapolei Hawaii.  It currently contains Target, Sports Authority, Down to Earth, Office Max, Ross, Dennys, Bank of Hawaii, The Vitamin Shop and several other smaller stores and eateries.  This video also gives you an idea of where Kapolei Commons is located in regards to Makakilo, Costco, Home Depot, the Honolulu Star Advertiser Newspaper and Koolina Resort where the new Disney Aulani Resort is located. 

Kapolei Commons is located just a short drive from Ewa Beach Hawaii (about 15 minutes) where you can find some of the most affordable, quality built homes on the island of Oahu.

My profession is Hawaii real estate so I apologize ahead of time for the imperfect videography!

Kapolei Commons Shopping Center in Kapolei, Hawaii

Short Sales on Oahu, Hawaii

Short sales on Oahu, Hawaii continue to be very prevalent on the island.  Each day as I read the “hot sheets” that show the newest properties that have come on the market, I notice that there are always more short sales available.  The area of the island doesn’t matter.  Each area is affected by short sales but the higher numbers of short sales are located in Mililani, Ewa Beach, Kapolei, Makakilo, Waianae and Waikele

Even though there are a lot of short sales in Hawaii, there are also a lot of buyers looking for properties. 

Here is what you need to do if you want to be successful at getting a Hawaii short sale offer accepted:

1.  You need to have your agent set you up on an auto notification system that will send you an email each time a new property comes on the market that meets your search parameters.

2.  You must go to see the property immediately.  If you wait, it will be gone.

3.  Make sure your agent submits all of the appropriate documents with the short sale packet which will include a loan preapproval letter from your lender. 

4.  Insure you are working with an agent that is familiar with the procedures involved in short sales.


Almost all of the short sales in Hawaii will accept a VA loan from a veteran Buyer.  Need more info on VA loans in Hawaii?  Call or email me anytime.

Happy house hunting and good luck!